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  • Morgan G

Dialysis Clinic Essentials for 2022

Updated: Jan 25, 2023

With 2022 underway, we’re sharing a reminder for dialysis clinics to ensure they are well-equipped for the coming year. We recommend having these products on hand for troubleshooting and quick replacement, which are essential for high patient satisfaction and entertainment.

“Can I get headphones?”

Keeping extra sets of earbuds and headphones on hand is a must. Stock up on PDi earbuds (Part # PD108-005C) for $1.80 (sold in increments of 50) and Curbell headphones (Part HP-030) for $2.50 per pair.

“No signal?!”

Troubleshoot loss of signal issues and PDi Link Light outages with our customized Link Light Test Kits, which have everything you need to determine the continuity of your CAT5 cable. Purchase a test kit for $58.00 to keep onsite at your clinic.

We often hear about the need for extra couplers, and while the kit includes five additional couplers, you can purchase additional (Part IC308-1000) for $2.50 each.

“Where is my programming remote?”

If you cannot recall the last time you saw your PDi programming remote, take one last look around, and then order a replacement. Order your Master PDi TV Programming Remote (Part PD108-420) for $18.00 to ensure that you’re not left without one in a bind.

“We need to swap out this tv/arm.”

Ensure that you have a replacement arm and television onsite. If you are in need of a backup arm or television, please call our office to ensure you order the proper model number, and we will get you a quote right away.

Do you need to stock up?

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